Savings Accounts |
Effective Date: November 1, 2024 |
Whether you’re looking for a basic savings account, high-yield money markets, or a savings account specifically designed for Holiday Savings, SCU Credit Union has the accounts you’re looking for. |
Description | Rate | APY* | Minimum Balance** |
Open an Account CALCULATORS |
Share Account |
0.01% |
0.01% |
$5.00 |
MyHoliday Savings Club |
0.01% |
0.01% |
$1.00 |
MyVacation Savings Club |
0.01% |
0.01% |
$1.00 |
MyMoney Market |
Tier 1 |
0.03% |
0.03% |
$5.00-$2,499.99 |
Tier 2 |
0.50% |
0.50% |
$2,500-$49,999.99 |
Tier 3 |
1.24% |
1.25% |
$50,000+ |
MyPremium Money Market |
Tier 1 |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$50,000 - $249,999.99 |
Tier 2 |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$250,000 - $499,999.99 |
Tier 3 |
3.20% |
3.25% |
$500,000 - $999,999.99 |
Tier 4 |
3.20% |
3.25% |
$1,000,000 - $2,499,999.99 |
Tier 5 |
3.20% |
3.25% |
$2,500,000+ |
*Annual Percentage Yield. Refer to our Service Charges Schedule for any applicable fees. **Minimum balance required to open and earn the stated Annual Percentage Yield. Other terms and conditions may apply. |
SCU Direct |
Effective Date: January 1, 2025 |
Description | Rate | APY* | Minimum Balance** |
SCU Direct Savings Account |
Tier 1 |
3.93% |
4.00% |
$10.00-$9,999.99 |
Tier 2 |
2.96% |
4.00% - 3.20% |
$10,000.00-$49,999.99 |
Tier 3 |
1.00% |
3.20% - 1.52% |
$50,000.00-$249,999.99 |
Tier 4 |
0.05% |
1.52% - 0.05% |
$250,000.00+ |
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Unlimited withdrawals only when made in person. Online transfer available. Premium tiered variable dividend rate and APY. $10.00 minimum preauthorized transfer amount to open from your SCU Checking Account. $1,000 maximum opening deposit and preauthorized transfer amount from your SCU Checking Account. **Minimum balance required to open and earn the stated Annual Percentage Yield. Other terms and conditions may apply. |
Checking Accounts |
Effective Date: November 1, 2024 |
Be rewarded for your high balances with our tiered interest checking accounts for your personal banking or business banking needs. |
Description | Rate | APY* | Minimum Balance** |
MyInterest Checking |
Tier 1 |
0.00% |
0.00% |
$5.00-$499.99 |
Tier 2 |
0.00% |
0.00% |
$500-$4,999.99 |
Tier 3 |
0.01% |
0.01% |
$5,000-$9,999.99 |
Tier 4 |
0.05% |
0.05% |
$10,000+ |
MyRelationship Checking |
0.10% |
0.10% |
$5.00 |
*Annual Percentage Yield. Refer to our Service Charges Schedule for any applicable fees. **Minimum balance required to open and earn the stated Annual Percentage Yield. Other terms and conditions may apply. |
Business Checking |
Effective Date: September 24, 2024 |
Be rewarded for your high balances with our tiered interest checking accounts for your personal banking or business banking needs. |
Description | Rate | APY* | Minimum Balance** |
MyBusiness Plus Checking |
Tier 1 |
0.01% |
0.01% |
Less than $4,999.99 |
Tier 2 |
0.03% |
0.03% |
$5,000-$49,999.99 |
Tier 3 |
0.05% |
0.05% |
$50,000-$99,999.99 |
Tier 4 |
0.10% |
0.10% |
$100,000+ |
MyBusiness Checking |
0.00% |
0.00% |
$5.00 |
*Annual Percentage Yield. Refer to our Service Charges Schedule for any applicable fees. **Minimum balance required to open and earn the stated Annual Percentage Yield. Other terms and conditions may apply. |
Certificates of Deposit Accounts |
Effective Date: March 27, 2025 |
We offer a full complement of high yielding term CD accounts ranging from 3 to 60 months. These accounts have a fixed interest rate, and require a minimum deposit of $500. Your monthly dividends can be withdrawn, transferred to another SCU Credit Union product, or can be compounded. |
Description | Rate | APY* | Minimum Balance** |
Open Account CALCULATORS |
Certificate Specials |
9 Month Certificate Special |
3.93% |
4.00% |
$500.00 |
15 Month Certificate Special |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$500.00 |
30 Month Certificate Special |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$500.00 |
Standard Certificates |
3 Months |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$500.00 |
6 Months |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$500.00 |
12 Months |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$500.00 |
18 Months |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$500.00 |
24 Months |
3.20% |
3.25% |
$500.00 |
36 Months |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$500.00 |
36 Month Step Up Year 1 |
3.00% |
3.30% |
$500.00 |
36 Month Step Up Year 2 |
3.25% |
3.30% |
$500.00 |
36 Month Step Up Year 3 |
3.50% |
3.30% |
$500.00 |
48 Months |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$500.00 |
60 Months |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$500.00 |
*Annual Percentage Yield. Refer to our Service Charges Schedule for any applicable fees. All offered rates subject to change at any time.  Rates for Certificate accounts are fixed at the time of account opening for the term of the account. Penalty may apply for early withdrawal from a Certificate account. Fees may reduce earnings. **Minimum balance required to open and earn the stated Annual Percentage Yield. Other terms and conditions may apply. Rates for each year of the 36-Month Step-Up Certificate account are fixed for that year as disclosed.  |
IRA Certificates & IRA Share Accounts (Traditional Roth Coverdell Educational Account) |
Effective Date: March 27, 2025 |
SCU Credit Union offers a high rate of return on this popular tax shelter to qualified members. This is an excellent way to accumulate funds for your retirement, your employees’ retirement, or your child’s further education. We feature high yielding CDs and a variable rate Share Account for Traditional, Roth, Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA Accounts, and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (CESA). |
Description | Rate | APY* | Minimum Balance** |
IRA Specials |
9 Month IRA Special |
3.93% |
4.00% |
$250.00 |
15 Month IRA Special |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$250.00 |
30 Month IRA Special |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$250.00 |
Standard IRA Certificates & IRA Share Accounts |
IRA Share Account |
0.05% |
0.05% |
$5.00 |
12 Months |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$250.00 |
18 Months |
3.69% |
3.75% |
$250.00 |
24 Months |
3.20% |
3.25% |
$250.00 |
36 Months |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$250.00 |
36 Month Step Up Year 1 |
3.00% |
3.30% |
$500.00 |
36 Month Step Up Year 2 |
3.25% |
3.30% |
$500.00 |
36 Month Step Up Year 3 |
3.50% |
3.30% |
$500.00 |
48 Months |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$250.00 |
60 Months |
2.96% |
3.00% |
$250.00 |
*Annual Percentage Yield. Refer to our Service Charges Schedule for any applicable fees. All offered rates subject to change at any time.  Rates for Certificate accounts are fixed at the time of account opening for the term of the account. Penalty may apply for early withdrawal from a Certificate account. Fees may reduce earnings. **Minimum balance required to open and earn the stated Annual Percentage Yield. Other terms and conditions may apply. Rates for each year of the 36-Month Step-Up Certificate account are fixed for that year as disclosed.  |